Friday, 31 October 2008

Happy Halloween

It is a beautiful warm day here about 19C not at all like the Halloweens of my childhood where we would get snow, cold or rain. We don't get any "trick or treators" here at the farm. So plans tonight are to have a 'campfire supper' and bonfire to enjoy the unseasonably balmy evening.

Sheep and all are fine not doubt enjoying the lull in the weather.
So to all have a safe and happy time,enjoy all the candy especially the chocolate!

Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Frost on the air

Burrr, last night it was 3c here and there is indeed frost on the ground. The seasons are changing faster than anyone really wants or is ready for.

Our little Shetland flock has topped out at 16 baaas. We have lovely solid colours and happy healthy sheep ( OK well they are a bit tubby)

The flock is almost all Cherrington/Skerryvore (either both parents or one)

Comments from the hand spinners have been very favorable and that is what counts for us.

It is really important to us to preserve the genetics of these lines but not at the expense of the quality. Years ago when I bred and showed champion Afghan Hounds we would only breed a litter if there was interest from qualified individuals. We are likely to adopt the same philosophy where it comes to breeding our sheep. So our flock will stay small and well loved.

Besides I couldn't bare to see one of our sheep come back to us in compromised health condition it would break my heart.

Oh and for those asking Our Minnie is just fine and recovering well from her bloat. Her rumen completely shut down for three days and we feared to lose her. At work here we have a fistulated cow who donated some rumen juice for us. Minnie and I were drenched in the stuff ( really stinks) and the next morning she was her ole self. We are really happy and also pleased that she isn't moooing!

This is our Minnie on her "southern"vacation at Tammy's. It was January and Brittany was a bit chilly but it was great fun! Just can't loose a baa like that!