Friday, 5 November 2010

Earendel Fleeces place at the Royal Winter Fair

For those of you who are unfamilar with the
 Royal Agricultural Winter Fair; it has become the world’s largest indoor agricultural and international equestrian competition. and has been running since November 1922,
Quoting from their web site....

"The Royal draws more than 340,000 visitors to Toronto annually to see thousands of unique entries from elite Canadian and International breeders, growers and exhibitors, over 4,500 large and small animals, shows, activities, shopping, dining and – of course – The Royal Horse Show".

This is our first time entering our fleeces at a fair so why not start at the top.

There were dozens of entries from all over Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia.

  We are so delighted to annouce that our home bred Earendel Kinwulf's fleece placed 3rd and  his aunt
9 year old Cherrington Sarah placed 5th!

Their fleeces will be auctioned off Sunday Nov 14 at the fair!

Cherrington Sarah( Molly)

 Earendal Kinwulf


Michelle said...

That is WONDERFUL! Congratulations!

Tammy W. said...

WooHoo Cate - way to go! Of course Kinwulf is out of Kalwa Taure Esme - and all of these wonderful Cherrington genetics that we've been touting for the past several years. I'm going to have to do a blog post as well.

Caitrin and Al said...

Thanks so much,ladies,
This means a lots to us,

Leslie's stuff said...
